
starworld channel有一個來自澳洲電視節目叫Junior masterchef 是我很喜歡的料理創意節目,不常看電視的我都被吸引。這節目是來自澳洲各地8~12歲的小朋友報名的廚藝比賽,50位小朋友需進行一系列的淘汰賽,最後選出Top one 的澳洲小廚神。想想…什麼生長環境造就出什麼樣的小孩,讓小孩從小就可以發掘自己天份與興趣,相較下台灣填鴨式教育把小朋友的才華都理沒了,外國人認知裡學歷不重要,重要的是培養技能與專長,我也非常認同!這些小朋友的烹飪手藝真是沒話說,從備料、切菜、煎煮、擺盤,可以看得出來他們對廚房料理的基本認知及對於烹飪的喜愛和熱情,很令人讚嘆呀!

繼上次的蘋果派後,有一段時間沒做派了呢!派是西方傳統節日必吃的甜點!派皮的種類有分單派皮、雙派皮及油炸派,派是由派皮和派餡合而為一,獨特的風味深受大家喜愛,之前做的蘋果派是雙派皮且製做過程比較麻煩,需要冰過也需要用桿麵棍桿開!最近在國外網站發現 No-roll Crust就想來實驗一下這簡單製做的派皮。     


第一次實驗的這個芋頭派請朋友們吃  非常受到大家的喜愛!呵~ 芋泥部分有加入豆漿、法國無鹽發酵奶油(非常推薦,比一般奶油貴一倍,但健康又美味)及煉乳,這樣做出來的芋泥非常濃陏且微微奶香 。依自己想要的比例調整出想要的口味!


No roll crust 第一次實驗 我覺得真是非常簡單喔!這種單派皮做甜派或鹹派都很適合(但不適用蘋果派的派皮)

烤出來的口感很酥脆  滿像餅乾的派皮呢    


通常"派"都是以三層的呈現   一層底派皮  中間的內餡  上層的裝飾或是派皮

這次我想出不同的做法就是一層是烤過的芋泥 最上層是打發沒烤過的芋泥  所以顏色比較淡

呈現出二種深、淺漸層的紫色  烤過的芋泥是可以吃到顆粒的口感!我覺得這樣比美味 


i love pecans 我很愛吃烤胡桃  它有豊富蛋白質及好的脂肪


Easy no roll crust recipe

this recipe is courtesy of joy the baker 


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3/4 teaspoon salt

2 Tablespoons sugar

1/8 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 cup (4 Tablespoon) frozen butter that has been grated on a cheese grater

1/4 cup vegetable oil (I used almond oil)

1 Tablespoon cream cheese, at room temperature

2 Tablespoons cold milk

In a medium sized bowl combine flour, salt, baking powder and sugar.  Whisk together.

Add frozen butter that has been grated on a cheese grater and tablespoon of cream cheese.  With your fingers, work the cream cheese and butter into the flour mixture, breaking the butter and cream cheese up until they’re in well incorporated into the flour.  Some butter bits will be tiny, other the size of small peddles.  The dough may even begin to some together in a rough, sandy kind of way.

Combine the milk and oil.  Whisk together.  Add all at once to the flour and butter mixture.  With a fork, begin to combine the ingredients, making sure that all of the flour mixture is introduced to the liquid.  The mixture does not need to come together into a ball.  Leave it a bit shaggy and dump the dough into a clean 9-inch pie plate.  With your fingers,  press the dough evenly into the bottom of the pie plate and up the sides.  Try to get the dough as even as possible, but don’t worry too much about finger indentations.  You can’t fight that.

Place the prepared crust in the freezer while you preheat the oven.

When the oven is preheated, remove the crust from the freezer and add the sweet potato filling until almost full.  I used a 9-inch pie shell and had a bit of extra filling.

Heat oven 450 degrees with a cookie sheet inside. After heated. pour filling into the pie shell and put on the HOT cookie sheet. Bake at 450 for ten minutes then turn oven to 325 (300 with the convection fan turned on) and bake for 1 hour more, or until edges and center are raised and puffed and the center only shakes slightly.




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