
最近看到一句很切實的quote~ How we spend our days is , of course , how we spend our lives by Amie Dillard,你怎樣選擇渡過你的一天,你的一生大概就會是這樣模式渡過了,大家應該都知道: 心態決定思想→思想決定行為→行為決定習慣→習慣決定性格→性格決定命運!充實是一天,渾渾噩噩也是一天,選擇權在自己手裡!不知從何時開始,我每天睡前都會反省自己一天下來自己是否有缺失的地方需要改進的地方,慢慢地,我發現自己成長很多!自我反省是心靈成長重要關鍵!因為反省過程中,會慢慢改變自己缺點,發現自己優點,讓自己的人生更幸福美好!! you gotta believe that positive thinking leads to a happier healthier life.

Blackstrap Molasses(黑糖蜜),就是一種鹹性食物且營養價直極高的糖,有人把它當成營養保健品!大家都知道黑糖是一種未經提煉的純糖,保留鈣、鐵等重要礦物質,所以食用黑糖,不只嚐到甜味,也攝取了一部份營養素!


這款超健康黑糖蜜麵包(quick bread)

 無油無糖 只用優格和黑糖蜜 烤出來濃濃的黑糖味 別有一番滋味 口感有點像吃黑糖糕 抺上果醬、cream cheese 就很好吃

國外的黑糖蜜和台灣的味道有點不同  這款有機黑糖蜜是非常rich  所以黑糖味很重 我喜歡


加拿大有機黑糖蜜 Organic Molasses

感謝加拿大朋友幫我帶來台灣^^  下次我需要多帶幾瓶回台


這有機小野莓果醬來自法國的ST. Dalfour    sugar free  無防腐劑 

小小一瓶就110元 一打開全是小藍莓一顆顆的 真材實料


這款quick bread 作法非常簡單 早上花一點點時間就可以吃到新鮮的麵包


麵包配上一杯smoothie = perfect 到中餐都不覺得餓

香蕉鳳梨黑芝麻smoothie 超好喝 無糖 自然的甜味來自水果和濃濃芝麻香

香蕉和黑芝麻粉超配的 大家可以在家試試

有時候我覺得我可以開早餐店 因為我非喜歡做健康的早點


sugar free oil free .i spread it with organic blue berries jam ..perfect !!

molasses adds a really deep flavor .delicious !!


亞麻仁籽黑糖蜜麵包 Ground Flaxseed Molasses Bread

this recipe adapted from joy the baker

1 2/3 cups 無糖優絡乳 or plain yogurt

2 cups whole wheat flour

1 cup ground flax seed (原食譜是使用cornmeal )

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon Aluminium baking soda

1/4 cup molasses (原食譜是1/2,如果喜好吃甜一點的人可以增加)

Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease and flour an 8×4 or 9×5-inch loaf pan. Non-stick baking spray works well too.

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, ground flax seed , salt and Aluminium free baking soda.

In a small bowl whisk together yogurt and molasses.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and fold to combine. The batter will be slightly thick, but not dry. Spoon batter into prepared pan and place in the oven. Bake loaf for 45 minutes to an hour. Depending on how evenly your oven bakes, you might want to rotate the loaf in the middle of baking. Be careful though. Don’t manhandle it too hard or it might deflate.

When a skewer inserted in the center of the loaf comes out clean, remove the loaf from the oven and allow to cool for 20 minutes in the loaf pan. Run a butter knife along the sides of the pan and carefully invert onto a wire rack.

Loaf will keep, well wrapped at room temperature for up to 4 days.

Serve with cream cheese, jam, salted butter or nutella.


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