January is a busy month for work. i finally got some time to bake cakes.i am a BIG fan of apple. cant live without it.i think granny smith apple (i got them from Carefour )is good for baking as it stays crisp, flavorful, hold their shape. when i baked apple pies last time , i used some of granny smith , some of fuji apples.it turned out great!!! 秋冬是蘋果最好吃的季節,之前google蘋果它品種有達上百種,不同點心運用不同蘋果會有不同的滋味!手上有好多蘋果相關的recipes,一直沒實驗~~這次先實驗的是蘋果南瓜蛋糕!Apple pumpkin cake is a traditional dessert for Halloween. well..even Halloween is already passed. this dessert just simply delicious for any occassion :)       



上層亦可加上一球香草冰淇淋   serve with Vanilla ice cream feel like in Heaven lol


蘋果煎煮過後的香氣 是非常迷人

蘋果烤後散發出的香氣和口感加上脆皮topping   只能說無懈可擊!


南瓜的鈣、鐵、維生素及胡蘿蔔素含量較高  多食南瓜可保護眼睛


所以  蘋果 + 南瓜= 健康 lol  perfectly matched


南瓜泥與台灣黑糖是最美味的搭配  當然肉桂粉也是重要的配角 才能讓蛋糕整體的口味 大大加分


granny smith apples are very good for baking cakes , breads ...

這種青蘋果非常適合做蘋果派的果餡 或是麵包  有濃濃蘋果酸甜味 (一般蘋果都是甜味比較重,適合新鮮食用)

highly recommended

My Pictures1.jpg  

Apple pumpkin cake recipe (修正過食譜)

sauteed apples:

3 tbp unsalted butter

4 large granny smith apples 也可以使用自己喜愛的蘋果

3tbp granulated sugar

1tsp cinnamon

Streusel topping and cake:

1 1/4 whole wheat pastry flour

2/3 C brown sugar (使用黑糖粉)

1/2 salt

1/2 cup unsalted butter softened (我使用法國發酵奶油)

2 tbp granulated sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp baking soda

3/4 pumpkin puree

1/3 sour cream (如果沒有也可放牛奶或優酪乳,這次使用牛奶)

2 large eggs

recipe from www.zoebakes.com





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