來到Toronto巳是秋末,you can see maple leaves everywhere...its colorful.滿滿紅色黃色綠色maple leaves參差其中的楓葉樹映入眼簾,伴隨著秋冬轉換之際,美呆了!走在路上都會不自覺的觀察路上的楓葉…不管在是在樹上或是巳凋落在地上滿滿的楓葉,總是能吸引我的目光。
on my way to Casa Loma
and it was my last day in Toronto
taken at spadina house
taken at U of Toronto
taken at U of Toronto
taken at U of T
Maple tree
on my way to the bata shoe museum
outside of Zoe's house
Japanese maple leaves