Even though pumpkins are not in season , i still have a few of them at home. it's one of nutritious vegetables and can be widely used for baking.its also one of the most versatile veggie around that has good water content.making pumpkin puree is simple. just put it into oven(180C) and once its baked it can be easily peeled,seeded and used.i like to use fresh pumpkin puree for muffins , mantous (Chinese steamed bun), breads ,noodles,pies etc.as for leftover pumpkin puree , just place it into freezer. it can be stored in freezer for months.
最近在國外食譜網站看到"Pumpkin Caramel Cheesecake Turtle Bread" receipe 就想來實驗一下,但我做了lightened up version. replaced cheese to 南瓜泥餡 比較健康點!改版後烤出來也非常成功和美味!南瓜真是非常好用的蔬菜喔!做南瓜泥最好用烤的,水分比較不會那麼多,不管做饅頭、麵包都很好吃!這款麵包非常簡單喔!
未烘烤前…哈…我喜歡滿滿的nuts 下次要放pecans 一定也很讚
我把recipe 修改一下 cream cheese替換成南瓜餡 熱量低一點 一樣好吃
Pumpkin bread with a layer of pumpkin puree topped with chocolate glaze, caramel sauce, and walnuts.
這bread 很moist 因為滿滿的南瓜餡 加上巧克力核桃焦糖 真是非常美味
2 cup all-purpose flour 中筋麵粉
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup oil
2 large eggs
1/2 cup 糖
1/2 cup 黑糖粉
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoon golden syrup (or corn syrup)
2 tablespoon caramel sauce
1 large egg
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1/4 cup caramel sauce
1/2 cup chocolate sauce(巧克力塊隔水加熱)
1 cup walnuts or pecans (toasted and chopped)