100%純杏仁醬是我的最愛,加拿大這牌"Nuts to You Organic Almond Butter"is the best tasting almond butter that i have ever had~ 完全沒有任何添加物、糖、 色素、防腐。奇怪的事台灣沒賣杏仁醬耶!更何況是有機的杏仁醬><加拿大朋友久久來台灣一次看我的話都會帶我給幾瓶!杏仁醬含有豐富的鈣、鎂、鉀、鐵和蛋白質,不但能強化骨骼和幫助維護肌肉和神經的正常功能,對心臟也非常好!每天早餐配麵包吃一匙就可以了,也不宜過量食用!熱量很高喔!近年來,大家眾所皆知堅果類食品已堪稱是能延年益壽、有益健康的食品,每天都能適量攝取, 別小看堅果小小一粒,其所蘊藏的營養價值非常豐富,堅果含有的油脂雖多,卻多以不飽和脂肪酸為主、及豐富蛋白質(所以非常有飽足感)、膳食纖維及多種維生素和礦物質。下次去加拿大記得買來吃吃看吧!
this almond butter contains only almonds
The almonds are ground fine but with some texture remaining
13.99 加幣 500克 相當430台幣 滿貴的 但很值得買 因為健康又營養 在加拿大當地也可網路上購買
最好不要買不純的杏仁醬 價格便宜很多外 沒有杏仁香而且也太甜
Great product!! Simple but delicious and creamy ..i love it ~
So far I have not found a replacement ^^
i havent told you before that i love organic food.
its so important for our body and healthe to eat good food.
i made a change in my diet a year ago in order to have a health life
needless to say,it changed my life,i began to feel great had endless energy and
satisfied when i ate natural foods
(replacing refind ingredients with whole grains,natural foods).
haha..being totally immersed in the natural foods.
i love the gentleness and the purity of organic products in general
enjoy the quality of the organic lifestyle.
my sensible diet → eat healthy live healthy ^^
MaraNatha 這個牌是不純的杏仁醬(有添加物、糖),比較便宜沒有杏仁味,不推建買(FYR)…
It does not really taste like almonds at all. i dont recommond it.lol