i know how busy life can get ,just make sure you take time for yourself. we need to learn how to slow down ,breathe deeply and try to relax a little more.每天都要有屬自己的時間,一個可以和自己單獨心靈對話的時間,整理思緒,內心平靜,適當的運動,放鬆自己。這也是我持繼三、四年來到現在一直維持不變的原則~i spend an hour walking clockwise around the lake near my house when i get off work.just get my mind off things and also spending some time alone is really refreshing at best.當你找到適合自己放鬆及心靈沉澱生活方式,你會覺得生活很快樂又充實!
柳丁季節接近尾聲了,一顆要10元耶!記得上次盛產時買一顆才2元…哈…因為要請朋友來家作客的點心,就想到香澄瑪芬了!加上最近有一個新的想法就是柳丁果肉挖出後把一半的柳丁與柳丁麵糊一起放入烤muffin tins!成果真的滿成功又可愛!
muffins baked in hollow out orange! i love the flavor combination of orange and cranberry.oh ..i dont have cranberry on hand. 我最愛柳丁加蔓越莓組合 可惜蔓越莓吃完了