I love breakfast so much and its the most important meal of the day.I find it very satisfying physically and mentally to make my own breakfast everyday.i rarely get the store-bought one.unless i am out of town. i also like to have my breakfast at home before heading out to work(most of people like to have breakfast in the office but i dont). believe it or not, i have been sticking to this way for like 10 years....just like waking up early and take my time to enjoy my fresh breakfast!! it gives me the energy to start the day .
燕麥Oat是眾所皆知的健康穀類,燕麥可以降低血液中膽固醇與甘油三脂,不但能消脂還能促進腸道蠕動,加上食用後有很有飽足感,不但可以早上食用,也可當點心是一天精力的來源!一般都是沖泡方式不然就是市售的oat's energy bar,方便快速!我愛運用燕麥烤出不同營養美味的早餐!
蘋果烤燕麥 100%燕麥 沒有任何麵粉 有些人會對麩質產生過敏 吃燕麥最沒問題啦 its gluten-free!
黑糖蜜取代糖 焦糖色的外表 讓人食指大動 加入新鮮蘋果、蔓越莓和肉桂 健康無負擔
I make most of my every day food choices based on how I know it’s going to make me feel in the long run. *Healthy*
滿滿的燕麥與蘋果 滿足一天精力來源
燕麥點心= on the go dessert 早上加熱吃配上咖啡 或 豆漿都很讚!
真的很好吃!! i can eat 2 at a time in the morning !
this recipe adapted from http://thefauxmartha.com/2012/01/18/baked-oatmeal-to-go/
Ingredients 材料
- 2 cups 即食燕麥 或 生燕麥 皆可(quick-cooking or old fashioned work)
- 1/2 cup 有機燕麥粉
- 1/4 黑糖蜜
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 1/2 cup milk or 豆漿
- 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce(用蘋果泥取代也可以)
- 2顆蛋
- 1 apple, pored and peeled and cut into small 1/2″ pieces
- 1/4 cup dried cransberries / nuts
Directions 作法
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 預熱烤箱170度
In large bowl mix together oats, black molasses, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.
In a separate bowl whisk together milk, applesauce, and eggs.
Add wet ingredients to the oat mixture and mix until combined. Carefully fold in apple pieces and cransberries.
Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until tops are browned.
烤約30-40分 或直到表面呈現焦糖色即可
Remove and let cool for 10 minutes before transferring to cooling rack.