
I am a non-pro baker. I'm just a self-taught baker who has enthusiasm to bake and try to excel at baking.i spend most of my leisure time reading cookbooks, surfing varity of recipes on the internet and  trying numerous times to bake different type of breads/cakes.its very satifying to create those goods with my two hands.人生,不管在任何領域,都是需要付出才會有豊碩的果實,失敗的經驗就是成功的助力。烘培麵包與蛋糕的過程,一定會有失敗的經驗才會創造出更美好的成品!

英式下午茶常見的點心Scone應該是英國突變的美食吧!幾個在英國唸過書的朋友談起英國食物之難以下嚥就讓人不經覺得住在台灣真是最幸福了!大家都知道台北市最好吃的Scone在Smith Hsu tea house. 我和姊妹們也是吃過幾次!價格中高不便宜喔!吃過他們的scone 後,我就決定要研究這樣好吃的Scone,搜尋國外不少食譜後,終於找到最棒的食譜啦!烤出來的scone ,我有信心說和Smith&Hsu店家賣的一樣好吃!哈哈…omg, i cant believe i made it lol ..... 朋友吃完給我滿分,哈哈…她說真的沒得挑剔加上我自製的甜菜根cream cheese ,真是無敵了啦!


Scone是quick bread的一種 ,最常見的吃法就是烤熱後,先以刀切開,

配上果醬、奶油、Cream cheese、也可以夾Cheese其他蔬菜變成鹹點像三明治這樣吃



傳統的英式下午茶,會有三層盤擺上精美的甜點,而Scone 就是重要的主角之一

 these scones are toasty , buttery and soft.  



     配上自製的甜菜根cream cheese 真是太美味了 

Scone 可以隨著自己的創意  變換不同口味  加入新鮮水果、巧克力、堅果等


Scone上層吃得出脆脆口味  因為灑上少許的糖  口感更好

英國食物中   難得的美味  非Scone 莫屬   難怪Simth Hsu  光賣它 生意就好到不行


喜歡玩麵粉的人  都知道  它有一種魔力讓人著迷 

運用自己的雙手  可以創造出無限的可能  這是我不曾想過  或許  是需要一點點天份吧 


Scone 做法不難  不需花到 一個小時就可以烤出12個  變換不同夾層(甜的 鹹的)每天都有新鮮早點


recipe adapt from joy the baker

3 cups all-purpose flour

2 tablespoons sugar

3 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup unsalted butter 我用法式無鹽發酵奶油, cold and cut into cubes

1 large egg

3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons buttermilk(台灣沒有buttermilk 可用優絡乳取代)

1/3 cup  dried cransberries

milk and sugar for topping before baking

Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  

In a large bowl, whisk together flour sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Toss the cold butter cubes into the flour mixture.  Using your hands, quickly work in the butter into the flour mixture, breaking it up with your fingers.  Some butter bits will be the size of small pebbles, and some will be the size of oat flakes.  Set in the fridge for a few minutes.

Whisk together yogurt and egg.

Remove the flour and butter mixture from the fridge and add cransberries.  Whisk together and create a well in the center of the mixture.  Add the yogurt mixture all at once to the well.  Use a fork to bring the wet and the dry ingredients together.  Mixture will be shaggy.  Lightly flour a work surface and dump the shaggy dough mixture out onto the counter.  Bring together the dough with your hands into a 1 1/2-inch thick disk .  Use a 2 1/2-inch round biscuit cutter to cut out biscuits.  Flour the biscuit cutter if it starts to stick to the dough.

Place biscuits, about 1 inch apart, on the prepared baking sheets.  Brush with a bit of milk and a few pinches of sugar.  Bake biscuits for 14-18 minutes, until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from the oven and serve warm, with jam.



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    BeLLes~ La ViE

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