muffins are easy to make and require very little in the way of kitchen utensils.they are intended to be a fast bread and so they dont bake a long time.the most important thing to remember about muffins is "dont mix batter too much",otherwise they will become tough.
瑪芬是學習烘培最容易上手不易失敗的麵包!口感也分為乾、溼兩種,有些人偏愛鬆軟有些人偏愛像麵包口感。像英式瑪芬口感就比較乾硬點,通常夾蛋做成三明治,美式瑪芬通常重甜比較油,和他們飲食習慣相關吧!通常對我來說就too much!自己做的比較可以拿捏出自己想要的健康口味!加上瑪芬可以做出各種鹹甜口味!隨自己喜歡可以研發出喜愛的口味,不管是當早餐或下午茶都非常棒!到目前為止做出10種口味的瑪芬!(蘋果、香蕉、芒果、百香果、紅色火龍果、柳丁、南瓜、芋香、咖啡、巧克力、cheese )
Baking muffins in different flavors and variations!
There is just so much I love about baking for the fun of it^^
taro muffin 香芋瑪芬
材料:1 cup milk 1cup soy yogurt 1cup 芋泥 1tbsp honey 1 egg 1/2cup veggie oil 打成香芋牛奶
芋頭蒸熟後加入適量法國無鹽發酵奶油 和糖混合成芋泥
1/4 tsp salt 2cups flour 2 tsp 無鋁baking powder sift flours mix all ingredients up 就可以了
蘋果瑪芬 apple bran muffins + apple /walnuts muffin top
apple bran muffin is one of my favorite
材料:1cup 100% apple juice 1cup orginal yogurt 3 tbsp maple syrup
3 tbsp veggie oil 1/4 tsp salt
an big apple (peeled and diced ) 1/2cup bran 2 cup flour (or brown rice powder ) 2 tsp B.P
其實不一定都要用麵粉,也可以用糙米粉取代 更健康又美味
Apple's muffin top
1/2 apple peeled and diced 2 tbsp flour 3tbsp sugar 1tsp cinnamon 1/2cup walnuts
mix them up and put on the top